A lovely ‘sharer’ popped into my life lately. And I don’t mean you know, the occasional drive by who shares a snippet of something fabulous, then disapearing for months on end. No no my friend. We’re talking, “I’m on the same flight as your husband coming into Midway (who brilliantly carried ON luggage) and you offer to wait for our 1 hour delayed luggage to drive my silly self home at 11 o’clock on a Sunday night in the pouring rain,” and “take my delightfully Euro-trend-tastic manual drive wheels whenever I’m out of town” and now this?!?! Honestly, it’s the last straw.
Freshpicks.com is the gift of the week. CrystalMeth is flying out of town for meetings in NY and accidentaly ordered her first shipment to be delivered while she is away! “Sure!” says I. “I’ll gladly take a box chocked full of incredible fresh produce off your hands."

About Freshpicks: If you have commitment issues (yes, I do) then we have the solution for you!! Rather than subsribe to a CSA, pick and choose the box of goodies you’d like and they’ll deliver straight to your door. One off, fresh, local, organic, sustainable food just for you.
A new challenge staring me square in the eyes to be sure. Kale? Onions? Fresh garlic? Oh! Plus please make it portable so the poor dear slaving all day down on Michigan and Oak has a refreshing picnic dinner before studying computer programming all evening...and Kefta-Kale-Couscous is created. Kale inspired by Bonappetit and Tukish keftas that were made in the Alaskan wilderness one backpacking trip, years ago...

For the Kefta: I took 3/4 lbs ground beef, 1T curry, 1t cumin, salt, pepper and 1/3 c chopped onions...mix it with your hands and shape into patties. Fry stove-top for about 4 minutes a side and presto. Keftas.
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