Monday, March 15, 2010

Espressos In Brazil

Last week, I was in Brazil for work and in true "when in Rome" fashion I found myself consuming up to 6-10 espressos a day.  Two for breakfast, 2 during morning meetings, 1 with lunch, 2 during my afternoon meetings, and one after dinner.  Hang on, that's decidedly 10.  Shameful.  While I cut my caffeine consumption back to normal levels, I thought I'd share with you all just how representative my consumption levels were displayed throughout my photos of the trip. Here are a few smatterings for your viewing pleasure:

Breakfast at Praia Ipanema Hotel (much recommended for any stay in Rio, stay away from Cococabana)

Breakfast meeting & mid-meeting cafes

Alright alright, so I wasn't drinking coffee the WHOLE time: Chopp: cheap delicious cold Brasilian lager & Ipanema Beach

How does the phrase go?  An espresso a day keeps the sleepiness away?

And just for kicks:  water & a biscotio de polvilho watching futevolle

Guarana, amazonian fruit soda & pao de queijo.   The view from the top of Pao de Acucar

I'm missing the flavors of Brasil already.


  1. and now you've come back to this crappy intelligensia. damn.

    at least there's sun up here, right? happy march!

  2. As if Intelligensia was "crappy." Think not sir. I would strongly argue its flavor improves when it is made by another and served.
