With firm white parasols over one's head and fabulous magenta holed chairs under one's bum,
Tocco is the spot for a ladies dinner out on the patio. I'm not talking, "this is it where I'll find the most charming, Big 10 frat boy I've ever known" no no no. I'm talking, 'I feel like I'm eating in the
MCA's newest exibit "Pink is the new black"' only I'm sipping on lightly chilled Valpolicella and muching on their white gorgonzola cremini pizza and catching up with an old friend where conversation is easy and stress levels run negative. Also am feeling uber-hipster since the waitress complimented us on being the only women in the place NOT wearing black, I must have subliminally gotten the message prior to arrival.
Please, test it for yourself. Just lookout ladies for the black-decked, heavy eye-linered Italian cougars at the bar. They're ready to pounce on the one piece of eye candy sitting at the table next to you. Grrawrrrrrr...
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